Rabu, 21 November 2012



AIRBRUSH adalah proses menyemprotkan berbagai bahan cair, seperti tinta, zat pewarna dan cat dengan dorogan udara untuk menjadi semburan "kabut tipis" yang berfungsi menutup berbagai permukaan benda.

AIRBRUSH berasal dari alat pemompa udara untuk keperluan membersihkan perhiasan yang ditemukan seorang ahli perhiasan pada tahun 1879, bernama Abner Peeler, ia adalah putra pedagang perhiasan di Amerika.Abner kemudian mengembangkan alat itu dengan menggunakan kompresor atau mesin pendorong udara pada tahun 1882.

AIRBRUSH MAKE UP adalah proses merias dengan menggunakan teknik AIRBRUSH.Sistem airbrush dirancang untuk mempermudah cara merias. Teknik ini pertama kali digunakan untuk mendandani para aktor dan ratusan figuran dalam film kolosal Ben Hur produksi Holywood 1959.

Alat AIRBRUSH terdiri dari pena,kompresor mini dan tinta kosmetik.Pena penyemprotnya terbuat dari baja anti karat yang dilengkapi tempat tinta, baik berbentuk mangkuk yang terletak dibagian atas atau berupa tabung yang dipasang dibawah . Kedua tempat tinta terhubung dengan jarum halus di bagian dalam pena.

Merias dengan AIRBRUSH memiliki banyak kelebihan. Pertama, higienis karena tangan tidak bersentuhan dengan wajah yang hendak dirias. Kedua, hasil lebih halus. Semprotan AIRBRUSH yang halus dapat menyebar secara merata di bagian wajah dantubuh yang diinginkan sehingga hasil riasan terlihat lebih mulus. Ketiga, Cepat! dengan teknologi ini proses merias dengan AIRBRUSH 4kali lebh cepat dibanndingkan merias dengan cara konvensional.Keempat, tahan lama. Tekanan udara membuat tinta masuk lebih melekat pada kulit dan bisa bertahan 12jam. Kelima, Lebih sempurna. AIRBRUSH unggul dalam hal membuat gradasi warna, bayangan(shading) dan efek berkilau (Shimmer) yang tidak bisa didapat melalui riasan biasa sehingga hasilnya lebih sempurna.


  • Lahir di Jakarta, memulai karier sebagai penata rias wajah dan rambut sejak tahun 1980.
  • Berpengalaman selama 5tahun di Amerika Serikat dalam bidang yang sama, dan bekerja pada salah satu salon terkemuka di Monterey Park Los Angeles, California.
  • Selain berguru pada PIVOT POINT, Puspitha Martha Jakarta, VIDAL SASSOON, Fernndo Romero, CINEMA SECRET, MOURICE STAND (penata rias film triller MICAEL JACKSON)
  • Tahun 2007 memperdalam teknik make up Airbrush pana DINAIR institute di West Hollywood
  • Tahun 1992, Chenny Han kembali ke Indonesia membuka Salon dan Bridal kini Chenny Han berkembang membawah BRIDAL DAN BEAUTY SCHOOL
  • Disamping secara otodidak karier di bidang fashion Chenny Han memperoleh ilmu dari ARVA Ddan LPTB SUSAN BUDIHARDJO

Selasa, 10 April 2012

FKCN 2011 (Forum Komunikasi Cak dan Ning)

Estee Lauder Biography

The early part of the Estee Lauder biography is a mystery. Voting records has her birth date recorded as July 1, 1908, whereas her family says she was born in 1906. She was born as Josephine Esther Mentzer, the youngest of nine kids to immigrants Max and Rose Schotz Mentzer.
Her family called her Esty that became Estee after a school official misspelled it as such. They lived in the apartment above her father's hardware store in Queens, New York.
Estee Lauder started her career in selling when she agreed to help out her uncle, Dr Schotz, a chemist. She helped him sell some of the creams he made for the company, New Way Laboratories that he formed in 1924. She sold creams with names like Six-In-One Cold Cream and Dr Schotz Viennese Cream to beauty shops, beach clubs and resorts.
In 1930 she married Joseph Lauter (which later became Lauder). They separated in 1939, only to remarry in 1942. Estee Lauder said of this, "I was married very young. You think you missed something out of life. But I found that I had the sweetest husband in the world."
She and her husband continued to make their creams in their factory - a converted restaurant - and Estee Lauder Inc. was formed in 1947. Their initial breakthrough came after they won a concession from Saks Fifth Avenue to sell their cream in 1948. After the initial products sold out in only two days, their path was set.
The product that put Estee Lauder firmly on the map came with the introduction of Youth Dew in 1953. At the same time it was bath oil and a perfume (retailing at $8.50) and sold over 50,000 units in the first year.
Explaining her success, she said, "I have never worked a day in my life without selling. If I believe in something, I sell it, and I sell it hard." This attitude, together with an uncompromising belief in her product and the beauty in all women, made Estee Lauder a respected household name.
Over the years numerous lines were added to the Estee Lauder Companies. Names like White Linen, Cinnabar, Aramis, Clinique, Prescriptives, Origins, M.A.C., Bobbi Brown Essentials and Tommy Hilfiger. Estee Lauder continued to be actively involved in the company - always attending new launches - until she broke a hip in 1994. In 1995, the company raised $335 million when Estee Lauder finally went public.
Estee Lauder died April 26, 2004, but her contribution is remembered. Today, Estee Lauder is a recognized brand name in over 118 countries with $3.6 billion in annual sales and her family's shares are worth $6 billion. Her company might never have set a trend, but they weren't ever left behind.

Estee Lauder Product
            Estée Lauder Companies Inc. is one of the world's leading manufacturers and marketers of skin care, cosmetics, perfume and hair care products.
            The company began in 1946, when Joseph and Estée Lauder began producing cosmetics in New York City, New York. At first, they only had four products: an all purpose cream, a creme pack, a cleansing oil and a skin lotion. Two years later, they established their first department store account with Saks Fifth Avenue in New York.
            Estée Lauder became the first women's cosmetic company to introduce a second line for men when, in 1976, they began a separate line of skin supplies. In 1981, the company achieved another breakthrough when their products became available in the Soviet Union.
Estée Lauder now sells its products in department stores across the world, as well as having a chain of freestanding retail outlets. It employs over 20,000 people, and in 2003, its sales topped $5 billion. The company is still controlled by the Lauder family, which controls over 90% of voting shares, and Estée's grandson chairs the board of directors. In February 2004, the company's teen-oriented jane business was sold.
Estée Lauder general characteristic product
Estée Lauder's fundamental needs, values, and orientation towards life are symbolized by the four astrological elements. Each person has their own unique balance of these four basic energies: fire (warmth, inspiration, enthusiasm), earth (practicality, realism, material interests), air (social and intellectual qualities), and water (emotional needs and feelings).  
Lauder's "elemental make-up" is described below. Remember that most people are "unbalanced" or lopsided, and if Estée is lacking or deficient in a certain element (or elements), it simply means that she needs to consciously develop that particular aspect in order to appreciate and/or work harder in that dimension of life.
Sometimes we overestimate the element that we are least endowed with, sensing it as a lack within ourselves, but more often we neglect or ignore it. The qualities described below will be reiterated and explained in more detail in the following pages.
Finding her life's work - a concrete means of self-expression - and discovering her place in the world is one of her fundamental challenges. Estée Lauder tends to feel out of place in the world, with no solid sense of security. Estée Lauder often lives in the private world of her imagination and though she may have a very rich inner life, Lauder has the tendency to avoid doing anything productive with it. The more prosaic, material side of life either baffles or disinterests her, yet Estée needs to develop this side of herself. Constancy, patience, and practicality are qualities that Lauder needs to cultivate.
Her outward behavior, which - as we shall see in the next chapter - is rather lighthearted and rational in nature, can be very deceiving since, overall, Estée Lauder is quite an emotional, deeply feeling, often irrational person.

Estee Lauder started her career in selling when she agreed to help out her uncle, Dr Schotz, a chemist. She helped him sell some of the creams he made for the company, New Way Laboratories that he formed in 1924. She sold creams with names like Six-In-One Cold Cream and Dr Schotz Viennese Cream to beauty shops, beach clubs and resorts.
Estée Lauder Companies Inc. is one of the world's leading manufacturers and marketers of skin care, cosmetics, perfume and hair care products. Estée Lauder became the first women's cosmetic company to introduce a second line for men when, in 1976, they began a separate line of skin supplies.  In 1981, the company achieved another breakthrough when their products became available in the Soviet Union.
Estée Lauder general characteristic product : Estée Lauder's fundamental needs, values, and orientation towards life are symbolized by the four astrological elements. Each person has their own unique balance of these four basic energies: fire (warmth, inspiration, enthusiasm), earth (practicality, realism, material interests), air (social and intellectual qualities), and water (emotional needs and feelings).  

Tie dye

PENGERTIAN Pembentukan motif melalui pewarnaan kain dengan cara pencelupan (dyei) pada bahan yang telah dirintangi dengan cara diikat, tritik maupun sasirangan menggunakan bahan perintang yang bersifat resist terhadap zat warna celupnya Alat yang digunakan : - gunting - jarum pentul - jarum jahit PENCELUPAN DENGAN ZAT WARNA DIREK Zat warna direk mudah larut dalam air, dan proses pencelupannya berlangsung dalam kondisi alkali. Oleh karena itu sebelum kain dicelup perlu ditambahkan soda abu dalam larutan zat warnanya. Untuk menghasilkan warna yang lebih tua, di akhir proses pencelupan ditambahkan garam dapur. Karena zat warna direk mudah luntur maka untuk mengurangi kelunturannya kain yang telah selesai dicelup diproses iring yaitu dikerjakan lagi dalam larutan kalium bikkhromat dan asam cuka dengan fixanol Alat : - Timbangan analis - Gelas ukur - Pipet - Termometer batang - Pengaduk - Panci - Kompor Bahan pencelupan : - Kain katun (mori prima atau primissima) - Zat warna direk - Soda abu - Garam dapur - Pembasah/tepol - Fixanol FUNGSI ZAT YANG DIGUNAKAN 1.Zat warna Direk Memberi arah warna pada kain katun melalui proses celup 2.Soda Abu Mempermudah terjadinya ikatan antara serat dan zat warna 3.Garam dapur Mempermudah adsorbsi zat warna pada serat kain (untuk tujuan tertentu membantu warna pencelupan menjadi lebih tua) 4.Pembasah/tepol Membantu afinitas zat-zat kimia lain yang digunakan RESEP PENCELUPAN Vlot yang digunakan 1 : 20 - 40 Zat warna direk : 2-8 gr/L Soda abu : 1-5 gr/L Garam dapur : 5-20 gr/L Pembasah : 1-2 cc/L Temperatur : 95° Waktu : 60 menit Iring/Fixanol : (fleksibel) Waktu : 15-30 menit